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Game Earth 2.0_Game


We would like to share with You our educational game "Game Earth 2.0", created within the project "EduGame- educational games development" under the small-scale partnership Erasmus+ programme. The project was implemented in collaboration of 3 international partners: #FundacjaInnowacyjnejEdukacji #TEIS #CGE

Earth 2.0 is an innovative and engaging educational table game designed to develop the competencies of players in project and start-up management while evaluating the possible risks associated with various aspects, including resource scarcity, teamwork, management, planning, evaluation, and monitoring.

In this dynamic and immersive game, players step into the role of project managers or entrepreneurs and face real-world challenges encountered in project and start-up environments. The game provides a hands-on learning experience that simulates the complexities and uncertainties of managing projects and start-ups.

About the game:

Whether played in educational settings, professional training programme, or as a recreational activity, Earth 2.0 offers an enjoyable and enlightening experience for players interested in honing their project and start-up management skills. By simulating real-world challenges and encouraging critical thinking, the game empowers players to become proficient managers and entrepreneurs

capable of navigating complexities and maximizing project success while effectively mitigating risks. #Erasmusplus #Erasmus+ #Game #Education


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@ 2021 Fundacja Innowacyjnej Edukacji

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